
Founded in 2002, Alugate has established itself as one the regions leading aluminum and glass contractors.


Ahmad Hmeidani established Alugate on a thirty-year foundation of extensive knowledge, experience and expertise in the aluminum and glazing industry.

Our core emphasis is the fabrication, production and execution of aluminum facades varying from all sorts of windows, composite panels, cladding, louvers, and all remaining complimentary items.

At Alugate, we are always looking out for innovation in our industry, and strive to remain at our highest form from one year to the next, to consistently serve our clients with the finest standards and quality.

The Team

The backbone of Alugate is its team, a skilled force formed by over 100 members each professionally experienced in their respective domains, from estimation to engineering, drafts & design, fabrication, and an on site installation team.

The team is the heart of this establishment and everyone shows up on a daily basis with pride of who we are, and confidence of where we are headed.


Alugate started work by taking on small residential projects, then expanded to commercial showrooms while building a reputable and credible track record which opened the door to tender invitations for larger development projects. We currently get invited to tender to most large-scale developments in the region and maintain our stream of smaller projects, both residential and commercial. Our latest challenge has been taking on two large commercial projects in Africa (Gabon and Kinshasa) and we can proudly say we are implementing and executing on schedule and are exploring our expansion opportunities.